Statoil reported to the policeStatfjord north flank on stream

5 000 cargoes of oil

person Norwegian Petroleum Museum
Shuttle tanker Evita from Norway’s Ugland shipping company began loading the 5 000th cargo from Statfjord on 28 March 1999.
— Loading buoy on the Statfjord field. Photo: Mobil Exploration Norway Inc./Norwegian Petroleum Museum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

A total of 4.2 billion barrels had then been lifted from the field since Einar Rasmussen’s Polytraveller took on the first cargo in November 1979.
This meant that a tanker had sailed from Statfjord on seven out of every 10 days after it came on stream. They had loaded an average of 840 000 barrels per consignment.

Statoil Magazine, no 2, 1999, page 39. ”Statfjord cargo milestone”.

To learn more, see the article on offshore loading .

Statoil reported to the policeStatfjord north flank on stream
Published November 27, 2019   •   Updated January 2, 2020
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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