Lund becomes Statoil CEOSafe behaviour programme

Loading buoy ceased operation

person Norwegian Petroleum Museum
The Statfjord C loading buoy was taken out of operation in 2005 and preserved with a view to final removal in 2012, and export of oil from the platform was reorganised.
— Statfjord C and the loading buoy. Photo: Mobil Exploration Norway Inc./Norwegian Petroleum Museum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

This change involved installation of the safer and much more efficient Ugland-Kongsberg offshore loading system (Ukols), which had been adopted a few years earlier on Statfjord A and B.

The reason the buoy remained on the field for so long without being used was to have an emergency solution available if the Ukols facility went down – something which never happened.

Statoil. Årsrapport til Statens forurensningstilsyn 2005, Statfjordfeltet, p 5.
Statoil. Fjerning og disponering av Statfjord C lastebøye (SPM C) – Forenklet konsekvensutredning. April 2012.

To learn more, see the articles about loading buoys – various solutions and the loading buoys on Statfjord.

Lund becomes Statoil CEOSafe behaviour programme
Published November 26, 2019   •   Updated January 7, 2020
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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