Supply base at SotraBuilding the Statfjord A GBS

Development plan for Statfjord

person Norwegian Petroleum Museum
Mobil wrote to the Ministry of Industry on 24 September 1974 to propose a two-stage development of Statfjord. The goal was to get started with the A production platform and then win experience from the field before phase II was initiated.
— There is a painstaking and carefully planned work with large crane barges involved when the first of the housing modules is to be hoisted aboard Statfjord A. The platform's GBS has been lowered to a great extent in the water so that the cranes can lift within maximum lift height. Photo: Tor Resser/Norwegian Petroleum Museum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

The platform was due to be installed in the summer of 1976, with production starting at the end of 1977. Plans called for the second phase to begin when sufficient information on the reservoir had been obtained. This would involve building two-three platforms similar to the A structure.

Oil was to be exported by shuttle tankers in the first phase, while pipeline transport to a land-based terminal was discussed as a possibility for stage II.

To learn more, see article: Organisation of the construction projects

Moe, J. (1980). Kostnadsanalysen norsk kontinentalsokkel : Rapport fra styringsgruppen oppnevnt ved kongelig resolusjon av 16. mars 1979 : Rapporten avgitt til Olje- og energidepartementet 29. april 1980 : 2 : Utbyggingsprosjektene på norsk sokkel (Vol. 2). Oslo: [Olje- og energidepartementet]:140.
Proposition no 114 to the Storting (1974-75), p 8-10.

Supply base at SotraBuilding the Statfjord A GBS
Published December 4, 2019   •   Updated March 24, 2020
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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