First oil cargoVictory for drilling workers

Cook fired

person By Trude Meland, Norwegian Petroleum Museum
A labour dispute from the Statfjord field was heard in the Bergen City Court at the end of 1979. It concerned a 33-year-old cook who had lost his job in SAS Catering.
— The Statfjord A canteen. Photo: Odd Noreger/Norwegian Petroleum Museum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

He had been dismissed for refusing to prepare hot food on 27 June 1979 for four people from Mobil who arrived on Statfjord after the hot meal service had finished. Such work previously attracted extra pay, but that practice had ceased.

The cook went ashore after his tour ended without having heard that his behaviour had been reported. On his return to Statfjord A 14 days later, he was summarily dismissed in writing for refusing to obey instructions.

At a subsequent meeting between union officials and representatives of the employer, the summary dismissal was converted to dismissal with notice. The cook wished to challenge this in the courts.

His advocate maintained that he had not been fired for disobedience but because he had been a union official and active in action committees.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Bergens Arbeiderblad 7 December 1979. Ordrenektelse årsak til oppsigelse av kokk? During the court hearing, it emerged that the cook had not only refused to obey an instruction but had also gone to the steward’s office, sworn at him, made threats and banged on the table. The steward had reported the incident. The court decided that the dismissal was valid.

First oil cargoVictory for drilling workers
Published November 28, 2019   •   Updated December 12, 2019
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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