The Stavanger committee
Constituted by the Ministry of Local Government and Labour on 23 December 1977, this body was to advise both central government and local authorities.
It commented on applications referred to it by the Directorate of Labour or the county employment offices. The committee could also consider other matters related to offshore jobs which needed discussion and coordination between government, employers and unions.
This system emerged after criticism had been voiced about the wide-ranging use of foreign labour on the NCS. It was pointed out that applicable regulations and conditions were not being observed.
The offshore operators maintained that large-scale use of foreign companies and workers was necessary both on the grounds of competence and because time was short. Necessary expertise, spare capacity and labour were not otherwise available, they claimed.
Norway had introduced an immigration ban in 1975 after applications for work permits increased substantially during the early 1970s. The prohibition meant no new permits could be issued.
However, several categories of personnel were exempted. These included technical specialists, skilled workers and key employees regarded as absolutely essential for a business.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Norwegian Official Reports (NOU) 2004, 20. Ny utlendingslov, 3.5.3, “Innvandringsstoppen i 1975”.
Developments on the NCS, such as Statfjord A, at times involved a fairly substantial number of jobs with many specialists and a rapid workforce turnover.
A meeting with the parties affected took place on 30 June 1977 to discuss the problems. The aim was to arrive at a satisfactory arrangement while ensuring that progress in the oil sector was not impeded. Establishing the Stavanger committee was one proposal.
As its name implies, the committee had its seat in Stavanger. The County Employment Office for Rogaland, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) and the Stavanger police force had one member each.
The unions and employer organisations were to have two representatives each. Union members came from the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and the Collaboration Committee for Operator Unions (OFS). The employers were represented by the Norwegian Employers Confederation (NAF) and the North Sea Operators Committee. The County Employment Officer for Rogaland served as chair.[REMOVE]Fotnote: Oppnevning av et utvalg i Stavanger som skal behandle spørsmål vedrørende bruk av utenlandsk arbeidskraft på den norske kontinentalsokkelen. IE archive, National Archives.
This committee was wound up by the Ministry of Local Government and Labour in 1998. Since then, consideration of applications for group work permits has been assigned to a body designated by the Directorate of Labour.
Statfjord B approved by the NPDElectricians threaten strike