Conversion projects in the living quarters

person Finn Harald Sandberg, Norwegian Petroleum Museum
Accommodation facilities on all three of the Statfjord platforms have been subject to modifications large and small throughout the field’s life as a result of operational and regulatory changes.
— Statfjord C under construction at Rosenberg ship yard. Living quarters and helideck. Photo: Mobil Exploration Norway Inc./Norwegian Petroleum Museum
© Norsk Oljemuseum

Generally speaking, conversion work has been under way on the platforms more or less continuously. Major alterations have been needed because of wear and tear, technological advances, capacity increases and general operational changes. This article focuses solely on modifications which have affected the living quarters and their office, recreational and accommodation facilities. The first conversion of the living and office spaces on the platforms was implemented as early as 1985, when plans were drawn up to expand quarters capacity on Statfjord C by 64 berths. That was intended to reduce dependence on a flotel for accommodating workers during the start-up process in the last stage of the Statfjord development.

The recreation areas on Statfjord C were also upgraded in 1990.

Two years later, office and cabin capacity on this platform also needed to be modified in connection with the tie-in of satellites Statfjord North and East. This work involved a long list of jobs, which included:

  • a new quarters module with 40 berths
  • a new office module for 40 people
  • conversion of offices to cabins
  • increased capacity in the canteen, cinema and recreation rooms
  • upgrading the laboratory
  • a new workshop.

The cinema and recreation area on the A platform were modified in 1994, and work began in 1995 on a new office module for Statfjord B.

A preliminary project was launched on the latter platform in 1996 to take account of a new organisation of work there. The new office module had also freed up space for new cabins. The aim was to provide 24 additional berths in 12 double cabins on the fifth and eighth floors of the quarters. Other areas were also optimised to rationalise and enhance the efficiency of workplaces and functions. In particular, the reception was modernised.

Statfjord B’s recreation areas were modified in 1998, and the cabins were converted from the same year – partly to meet new requirements for single occupancy. This work went on more or less continuously for five years.

Statoil was permitted in 2000 to remove the Polycrown flotel, which had served as an accommodation unit for Statfjord A. That called in turn for various upgrades on the platform. This involved the conversion of roughly 40 double cabins to single occupancy.

The same conversion process was pursued for the remaining cabins on Statfjord A and for all the berths on the C platform in the 2001-03 period.

New regulations mean that lifeboats have also been replaced on all three platforms – Statfjord A in 2000, and the other two in 2005 as part of the late life project..

Kværner Engineering AS. Utvidelse av boligkvarter og nye kontorer på Statfjord.   1991.
Statoil.  Prosjekt AOP-96-CB-021.
Statoil.  Prosjekt AOP-95-EB-011.
Statoil. 99S97*18027 vedlegg A Arbeidsbeskrivelse SFA – Fjerning av Polycrown.

Published July 9, 2018   •   Updated January 3, 2020
© Norsk Oljemuseum
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